There are many different kinds of gifts these days – not just the same old flowers or boxes of chocolates. Today the sophisticated gift buyer can choose from the most incredible selection of experience days – these can be balloon flights, formula racing car drives, off roading in small tanks or land rovers etc. etc. Another fascinating idea I saw online – so unusual that I forgot to see what it’s actually called – is being allowed to roll around hilly areas in what is effectively a larg balloon type structure. The pics shows guys strapped in and hanging on to a framework, so when the sphere travelled along, they were sent, spinning like a catherine wheel. I must say that this last idea would be the last on my list of ‘must do before I die’ suggestions. However, these seudo dangerous games do give some folk the rush to the head that seems to be needed for some of them to feel brave. I’m wondering here whether personal liability insurance might be required, but it does sound fun for the right kind of adventurous spirit!